Have you ever wondered what would happen if the power grid failed? Did you ask yourself if you are ready for such an event?
Power grid failures affect everyone from businesses to families. Moreover, the country loses up to $150 billion annually due to power outages.
If you are a private individual, you need to know the essentials during a power grid failure. You need to have the knowledge and tools to survive an extended outage.
To help you out, continue reading below as we give you a rundown on power grid failures.

Flashlights and batteries laid out on a table prepared for a power outage.
What Causes Grid Failure?
Let us first go through some of the causes of power grid failure. There are two main reasons for a major power outage. First is system failure and the other is equipment failure.
System failure may occur when there is disruption on the flow of power supply in the grid. This causes the line to trip. In turn, this tripping cuts off the power supply.
System failure usually happens during extreme changes in weather.
Meanwhile, several factors can cause equipment failure. Accidents can damage transmission lines. The digital processing system may encounter errors that lead to equipment malfunction.
What Would Happen If the Power Grid Failed?
If you are wondering what would happen if the power grid failed, the answers are many. The duration of the outage also affects the outcome of the failure.
Immediately after the outage, you can expect all modern-day devices to become unavailable. These include lighting, communication, cooking, refrigeration, and sanitation devices.
There will be a shortage of fuel supply if the outage lasts for a few more days. This will cripple transportation. It will also affect the supply of food and medicines.
If the outage continues for over a week, civil unrest may occur. This may lead to theft and pillages of supermarkets and groceries. People will be scrambling for food and water.
By the second week of a power outage, you will have a tougher time getting cash from the bank. Businesses will likewise accept cash payments only.
Beyond the second week, emergency and medical services will run low on fuel. The crime rate will likely go up. You will run out of candles, lights, and batteries.
What Should You Do?
Regardless of how long a power grid failure lasts, one thing is constant: preparation. Preparation is the key to surviving an event like a national power outage. Let’s take a look at the things that should be part of your preparation:
Design a Plan
You need to start with a power failure disaster plan. The plan should cover key items such as food, water, communication, lighting, backup energy, and first aid.
It is best to design the plan in the presence of the other family members. This will give everyone a chance to share their inputs. It will also keep you from missing anything important.
Let There Be Light
You need to make sure you have enough sources for lighting. This includes flashlights for everyone. Place a flashlight beside every bed where family members can grab them easily.
You also need to stock up on candles and matches. A couple of headlamps and some lighters will also go a long way.
When it comes to flashlights, go for high-quality LED options. The same thing goes for the headlamps. You want to find something that has enough brightness to illuminate an entire room.
To ensure lighting, you need to have enough batteries in your supplies. It is best to invest in rechargeable batteries. Another good option is those long-life batteries that can last over a decade.
If you can, you should consider standardizing your flashlights. This means all of them should require the same types of batteries.
Batteries are helpful especially during an EMP blast. Check out this link to learn more about EMP and batteries.
As for your water supply, keep a couple of cases in your storage room. The rule of thumb is to have at least 1 to 2 gallons of safe drinking water available for every member of the family every day.
If there are four of you in the family, you will need around 56 to 112 gallons of water. This will cover you during a two-week power outage.
Two-Week Supply of Food
Along with water, you need to prepare enough food to last two weeks. Your food must be enough to cover three meals a day for each member of the family.
Go for food that requires no heating. This will help conserve the energy supply that you have. Oversized canned goods will work.
Make sure everybody finishes the contents to avoid wastage. Additionally, make sure you have at least two manual can openers on standby.
Heating is essential especially when the power outage happens during winter. You can use your wood stove or fireplace if you have one. Make sure you have enough fuel to sustain your fireplace.
You can also gather the family in one room. Place a towel along the bottom of the door. Seal the crevice to help warm up the room.
Furthermore, make sure you have enough blankets for everyone.
As for sanitation, stock up on hand sanitizers and antibacterial wipes. When the outage hits, fill up your bathtub with water. You can use this water for washing.
You also need to prepare a first aid kit, at this site you can check the right products to deal with emergencies to prevent fatalities. Generally we use bandages, over-the-counter medications, and wound ointments in first aid kit.
Last but not least, you need to keep communication lines open. This means investing in a hand-crank radio. This will help you connect even to the people outside the city.
It also doubles as a charger for certain electronic devices.
Cover All Bases With Knowledge
Now that you know what would happen if the power grid failed, you now have a better understanding of the scenario. You will have a sense of urgency to prepare ahead of time.
But power outages are only one of the different emergencies you should prepare for.
We invite you to read our other blog posts. We share tips and guidelines that will help you cover all bases during emergencies and disasters.