Wikipedia declares: there are about 700 different types of programming languages in the world, while others tell about the number of 9000. Countless programming languages have been created throughout history. But there is a hierarchy of programming languages based on their prevalence and usage, just like spoken languages. You can learn more about programmers’ languages in our QA test course.
What is a programming language?
Programming languages are a set of rules that determine how to write code. These rules bring the machine’s language closer to humans. It is easy to imagine it as a language understandable by a computer. Programmers use languages to create web pages and applications.
There are high-level and low-level languages in programming.
High-level languages
High-level programming languages use syntax similar to English. These languages are considered “higher” because they are closer to human language and therefore easier for programmers to understand. There are some better-known high-level languages:
• C;
• C++;
• Java;
• Python.
These languages are used to develop software, web, desktop and mobile applications.
Low-level Languages
Low-level programming languages are used to write programs that are specific to the architecture and hardware of a computer. These languages can be divided into two categories: machine and assembly code.
How Many Programming Languages are There?
It is difficult to give an answer to this question. The TIOBE site says, the number is 150, HOPL – 8945, GitHub – 370, DZone – 253.
How Many Programming Languages are There in Use?
Not all programming languages are used in coding. In fact, the vast majority of programming languages in our round-up list are never used or became obsolete. Some programming languages have been superseded due to changes in technology, while others are created for one purpose only.
Which Programming Languages are Used the Most?
The most popular programming language is JavaScript. The next are Python, Java, Typescript, and C#. The sixth position is occupied by C ++, which has shifted the PHP language to the seventh line. In addition, the top ten include Shell, C, and Ruby.
Which Programming Languages are Used the most Professionally?
The first place was retained by JavaScript. JavaScript + CSS lead the way with 20.7% of tests conducted, closely followed by JavaScript + HTML (17.8%), and Java + SQL (15.6%). Python is the next, followed by Java. TypeScript moved up to next place. As you can see, there are only a handful of programming languages that are commonly used in the professional environment.
Final Thoughts about Computer Languages
We advise you to choose the most popular programming languages for work. However, do not forget to follow the trends, perhaps new languages will appear soon.