Data is an essential element of a business organization. However, a lack of substance to your data can render your data meaningless. And a majority of business companies are missing this very essence in their data. And this is what leads to business complexities within a business organization.
Meaningless data can lead to a sharp decline in a company’s professional standing and performance. Hence, the only way out of this vicious loop is to create understandable enough data to bridge the gap between data and meaning. And that is where data catalog tools step in.
What are data catalog tools?
Meaningless data tends to diminish the value of business information. When data remains scattered in unexplainable forms, its importance is overlooked even if it may contain something valuable. This, in turn, prevents many employees from making data-driven intelligent decisions.
A data catalog is a collection of metadata and data management resources that business companies use for database inventory management and organization.
Data catalogs are tools that help retrieve data and revive its usefulness by improving data on the basis of three parameters:
# Accuracy
# Clarity
# and Speed
Therefore you can see how essential data catalog tools are to businesses, and thus their selection tends to be a demanding task. Skimming through a list of data catalog tool software could be complicated and requires much research and effort. Hence here is a list of the best data catalog tools of 2021 to narrow down your in-depth data catalog tool software hunt.
The list of the best data catalog tool software is as follows:
1. Alation Data Catalog
Alation is a top-notch data catalog tool in the market. It offers a comprehensive platform for data integration and intelligence. The data intelligence, along with Alation, includes analytics, digital transformations, data governance, data query, and data discovery. One of the best features of Alation is that it channels data and monitors data usage to give meaningful insights.
2. Aginity Pro Data Catalog
Aginity Pro Data Catalog is a data catalog tool primarily dedicated to data analytics. It provides a platform that lets users save, edit, write or organize analytic code within their systems. During the data saving procedure, developers can encapsulate the essence of their data within metadata resources like title, description, etc., giving out the meaning of data and reflecting upon its application and intent.
3. Alteryx Connect Data Catalog
Alteryx, Connect data catalog tool was a revolution in the fields of data catalog tools as it offered several new features. Using Alteryx Connect, the users can extract the meaning of their data specifying information like:
The content type of the data
1. Information location
2. Developer’s description
3. Who is using the data
4. When was it last used
5. How Is it used?
4. Alex Solutions Data Catalog Tools
Alex Solutions uses a different approach to enhance data. This data catalog tool is technology agnostic and hence follows a different set of methods instead of traditional data catalogs.
It designs a giant business glossary that provides business users to specify the critical meaning of twisted and tricky phrases or words used in their data. This glossary is then linked to physical data assets. It also adds business context to data records for smooth flow.