Want to know another thing that’s as inevitable as death and taxes?
Every website must be hosted.
Yup, and there are a couple of ways to do this. There are cloud hosting services, virtual private servers, and many others. The choices for how a business owner or individual wants their website hosted are endless. Because of this, confusion can ensue. If you’re on the same boat looking whether hosting locally or abroad is the right choice, then we might be able to help you.
Why go with international/offshore hosting
Offshore web hosting allows companies to save money because some countries have more motivating taxation policies. This depends on what country the company is in as well as what country they want to host in, there can be multiple offshore web hosts that can offer some sort of financial break for taxes.
Hosting abroad can also grant anonymity. In a time where invasive surveillance and security threats are more prevalent than ever, a little anonymity won’t hurt. This is a benefit of offshore web hosting provides. Data is more confidential and typically safer. Offshore web hosting can also prevent identity theft while providing a layer of identity protection.
Another thing worth mentioning is the reliability of service and support hosting abroad. It’s in the interest of organizations to stay away from web hosting providers whose servers are stationed in areas with high rates of natural disasters. Floods, earthquakes, tornadoes and other similar forces of nature can bring servers down, leading to total data loss.
With these benefits, international hosting is a viable option for local business owners who are looking for web hosting in Malaysia, Singapore, US, or Australia that’s affordable yet secure and reliable.
Why go with local/onshore hosting
Onshore hosting is generally the safer option. The service can be more expensive as these costs go straight into performance and security. Hosting locally can mean that your website will run faster and perform better. Customers of onshore hosting get fast server updates, backups of websites and have all of the latest security software to keep the website running smoothly.
Moreover, you get access to fast, local support. If your site stumbles upon hosting issues, you can easily call your host and fix it. They can understand any questions you have quicker and straightforwardly explain the process. You ultimately pay for people who can assist you and fix the issues on the spot.
You are also paying for better security since local hosting can provide faster service upgrades or have laws data privacy laws.
Key tips for choosing your hosting:
Hosting can be a big risk, and whether you’re looking at hosting onshore or offshore, here are a couple of modern features you should seek out from a possible hosting provider to ensure you’re getting a legitimate service.
Business Performance Hosting
See if they offer cloud web hosting servers, which are built at an organizational level for high performance and flexibility to deliver blazing website speeds with maximum reliability and security.
Web Hosting Control Panel
This is a portal that allows you to manage your website easily through any web browser and take full control with drag and drop function.
Easy File Management
Look for simplified email setups, file Upload, FTP, FTPS, SSH, and cPanel hosting management services.
Instant “One Click” Apps
This is a cutting-edge feature offered by some providers that allow users to install applications free with simple one-click install.
This may include WordPress “One Click,” Zen Cart “One Click,” Photo Galleries “One Click,” and others.
In the end, the defining factor should be the quality, reliability, and inherent value of the web hosting provider you choose. This is true whether you’re a domestic or international-focused business owner looking for hosting in Malaysia, Singapore, US, or Australia. Don’t forget to research thoroughly before committing and read the fine print.