Search engine optimization refers to techniques used by website owners to get their websites a high position on search engine result pages for increased traffic. In addition to buying a domain name, choosing an excellent web-hosting partner and choosing the most intuitive themes, you need to optimize your site for search engines to get you even more traffic.
SEO is a complex, evolving concept and white label SEO Resellers can help you deal with it and optimize your site for you. However, there are a few simple steps that you can take in order to improve your website’s SEO-friendliness without being a tech expert.
Use proper keywords
Using the keywords is crucial for making your site SEO-friendly. You need to carry out plenty of research to find the right keywords and then incorporate them expertly in your URL, posts’ titles, and the first 100 words of each post. You can also have them in your meta tags, internal links, H1 tags, and file names. Avoid oversaturating your posts with them, as Google does not like spammy-looking content.
Optimize your content for SEO
Google commends readable content, so be sure to upload posts with short sentences, subtitles, and bullets. The most recommended titles have numbers. For instance, ‘10 ways to…’ or ‘Step by step’ and ‘How to’ guides.
Write excellent content
Well-researched, substantial content is great for SEO. Avoid having shallow posts that are loaded with keywords. If you must have auto-generated content, ensure that it makes sense and is not solely generated to manipulate search engine algorithms.
Optimize your site’s performance
Google now rewards websites that load in three seconds or less; so ensure that your site loads quickly to get a high position on the search results and reduce your site’s bounce rates. There are plenty of tools and plugins like GTmetrix that you can apply to help speed up your site. Also, consider optimizing the images and other graphics on your website, plus cleaning up your database to increase site speed.
Reduce the amount of JavaScript on your site
All the search engines crawl through your website to index it for ranking, and if you have too much JavaScript on your site, crawling will be hampered by the complex code. JavaScript also interferes with your site’s mobile-responsiveness, which is a significant determinant of your rank on the SERPs. To make your website more SEO-friendly, ensure that the search engines can crawl easily through your site and that your site is mobile-ready.
Avoid plagiarism
Search engine algorithms do not like duplicate content so ensure that the content you post on your business website is not the same as that on another website. You can use tools like Grammarly and Copyscape to scan your posts for plagiarism before you upload them.
Have an SEO-friendly URL
Having a URL creeping with numbers and symbols makes it difficult for the search engines to determine what your site is all about; so seek to avoid those. Also, avoid having too many categories on your URL. Use hyphens to separate the words on it rather than underscores.
With these tips and continuous maintenance, you can be sure of a better position on all major search engines.