In this article we would like to present 12 super cool JavaScript Libraries to our audience which we feel are best and can serve multiple purpose for you. From creating animates to search and from optimized scrollbar to choosing target elements, we have gathered some useful libraries for everyone.
If you are aware of some other useful JavaScript libs which released recently, then let us know by posting a comment below, we would love to add them in our list. Enjoy !!
1. Monkberry
Monkberry is blazingly fast, tiny and simple JavaScript library for building web user interfaces. It is simple 1kb minified library which includes source maps, custom tags, precompiled templates and blazingly fast for creating interfaces.
2. Anime
Anime is a flexible yet lightweight JavaScript animation library. It works with CSS, Individual Transforms, SVG, DOM attributes and JS Objects.
3. Holmes
Holmes.js is a javascript library for fast and easy searching inside a page. You can install holmes with either npm or bower under the package name holmes.js,
4. Optiscroll
Optiscroll is a tiny and highly optimized custom scrollbar library for modern web apps. Optiscroll supports both vertical and horizontal scrollbars, custom events, integrated page bounce fix for iOS, and much more.
5. Fabric.js
Fabric.js is a powerful and simple Javascript HTML5 canvas library. Fabric provides interactive object model on top of canvas element.
Fabric also has SVG-to-canvas (and canvas-to-SVG) parser.
With Fabric.js, you can create and populate objects on canvas; objects like simple geometrical shapes — rectangles, circles, ellipses, polygons, or more complex shapes consisting of hundreds or thousands of simple paths.
You can then scale, move, and rotate these objects with the mouse; modify their properties — color, transparency, z-index, etc. You can also manipulate these objects altogether — grouping them with a simple mouse selection.
6. Bwip.js
bwip-js is a translation to native JavaScript of the amazing code provided in Barcode Writer in Pure PostScript. The translated code can run on any modern browser or JavaScript-based server framework.
The software has encoding modules for over 90 different barcode types and standards. All linear and two-dimensional barcodes in common use (and many uncommon ones) are available.
7. AOS – Animate on Scroll
AOS is a small library that allows you to animate elements as you scroll down, and up. If you scroll back to top, element will animate to it’s previous state and is ready to animate again if you scroll down.
8. Shepherd
Shepherd is a JavaScript library for guiding users through your app. It uses Tether, another open source library, to position all of its steps.
9. MetricsGraphics.js
MetricsGraphics.js is a library built on top of D3 that is optimized for visualizing and laying out time-series data. It provides a simple way to produce common types of graphics in a principled, consistent and responsive way. The library currently supports line charts, scatterplots, histograms, bar charts and data tables as well as features like rug plots and basic linear regression.
10. Anypixel.js
AnyPixel.js is an open-source software and hardware library that makes it possible to use the web to create big, unusual, interactive displays. Anyone can fork the code and the schematics to create their own display at any scale.
11. Behave.js
Behave.js is a lightweight library for adding IDE style behaviors to plain text areas, making it much more enjoyable to write code in. This plugin includes several cool features like hard and soft tabs, auto delete a paired character, auto open/close parenthesis, brackets, braces, double and single quotes, automatic indentation and much more.
12. Target.js
Target.js is a JavaScript library to choose targets elements and show the text who you want when the mouse hover the point.