Sublime Text is one of the most popular cross-platform text and source code editor amongst developer which comes with numerous features and functions, these features can be enhanced by installing plugins and text packages to increase the durability and reliability of editor.
Most of These plugins and packages are free and maintained by community, some of these plugins are over dated and are not compatible with Sublime Text 3 while some other are frequently used by front end developers.
For this roundup we have compiled a list of 15 Best Sublime Text Packages for developers that will help you enhance the overall functionality and efficiency of Sublime Text Editor and help you to accomplish your tasks in certain deadline. Please share your views by posting a comment below. Enjoy !!
1. Package Control
Package Control is the Sublime Textpackage manager. It includes a list of over 2,500 packages available for install, and users can add any GitHub or BitBucket repository themselves. Once installed, packages are kept up-to-date automatically. Package Control is completely free to use, the code is open source, and I provide hosting for the default channel and this website.
2. Processing Sublime
A Sublime Text package for the programming language Processing.
3. Align Tab
The most flexible alignment plugin for Sublime Text 2/3. This plugin is inspired by the excellent VIM plugin, tabular. ST2 support is deprecated but however, it is still possible to install AlignTab on ST2 via Package Control.
4. Sublime Chef
This Package provides several code snippets designed to make writing chef recipes faster and even more fun. Each snippet has sensible defaults, carefully chosen placeholders, and several variations to cover almost all of your recipe needs.
5. Color Highlighter
ColorHighlighter is a plugin for the Sublime Text 2 and 3, which unobtrusively previews hexadecimal color values by underlaying the selected hex codes in different styles and icons. Also, plugin adds color picker, color format converter and less/sass variables navigation to easily modify colors.
6. Sublime Text Package Syncing
Keep your different Sublime Text installations synchronised across different machines. The package is using a different attempt rather than just build a link. It is basically syncing your user folder and you can define which files you would like to include in the sync. On the other hand you can also exclude files from the sync for example for platform depending settings or packages.
7. MultiEditUtils
A Sublime Text Plugin which enhances editing of multiple selections. Sometimes Sublime’s standard features for creating multiple selections won’t cut it. MultiEditUtils allows to select the desired parts individually and merge the selections with the add_last_selectioncommand (default keybinding is ctrl/cmd+alt+u).
8. Sublime Jekyll
A Sublime Text package for Jekyll static sites. This package should help maintaining Jekyll sites and posts easier by providing access to new post/draft shortcuts, key template tags and filters, as well as common completions and a current date/datetime command (for dating posts).
9. Git Gutter
A sublime text 2/3 plugin to show an icon in the gutter area indicating whether a line has been inserted, modified or deleted.
10. Filter Lines
FilterLines allows you to search through the lines within your document for the given “keyword string” or “RegEx notation”.
11. Sublime DataConverter
This Sublime Text package converts csv files to various other formats. It’s been adapted from the wonderful Mr. Data Converter. After installing, you’ll find commands look like DataConverter: to foo in the Command Palette. DataConverter will convert a selection or multiple selections. If nothing is selected, the entire document is converted.
12. Sublime alom
This packages provides a shortcut to insert the namespace definition in a PHP file. It has support for PSR-0 style namespaces and support for PSR-4 if Composer is used.
13. Handlebars
Higher contrast Handlebars syntax highlighting plus comment key bindings and a few snippets.
14. Icon Fonts
IconFont provides snippets for many popular icon fonts such as FontAwesome,PaymentFont, Typicons and Github Octicons. It works similar to regular HTML snippets where abbreviations will be expanded tothe full-length of classes and HTML code for each icon.
15. File Browser
When you install File Browser, you can have access to your project directory in a new sidebar, and navigate through it without moving your hands away from your keyboard – like a pro-coder. As you get used to it, this plugin can gradually boost your workflow.