Hi CodeGeekz Audience, we are in the mid of this year and once again we brought some cool tools and resources which you can use to create innovative and useful web applications.
In this month’s edition ( June 2016 ) we’ve included lots of productivity apps, frameworks, plugins, best practices guides, educational resources, testing tools, and much more.
If we’ve missed something that you think should have been on the list, let us know in the comments. And if you know of a new app or resource that should be featured next month, tweet it to @codegeekz to be considered!
1. Solr
Solr is the popular, blazing-fast, open source enterprise search platform built on Apache Lucene. It is highly reliable, scalable and fault tolerant, providing distributed indexing, replication and load-balanced querying, automated failover and recovery, centralized configuration and more. Solr powers the search and navigation features of many of the world’s largest internet sites.
2. Cutestrap
Cutestrap is a sassy, opinionated CSS Framework. A tiny alternative to Bootstrap. It supports Vertical Rhythm, Consistent pattern for form fields, 8kb minified, Smart defaults for all default elements (Conventional), CSS specificity is very low in the class hierarchy (Configurable), Solid foundation for a living styleguide using KSS. It is released under MIT License.
3. Bideo.js
Fullscreen background videos that autoplay right when the webpage loads (above the fold) has become quite a popular trend these days. Rishabh has built Bideo.js, which is an easy-to-use JS based plugin that works over HTML5 video element and does the right job of showing a background video inside a container basically. He has put all the code as well as a working demo on Github – Bideo.js.
4. Reason
Reason is a meta language toolchain to build systems rapidly. It is a new interface to OCaml – a highly expressive dialect of the ML language featuring type inference and static type checking.Reason provides a new syntax and toolchain for editing, building, and sharing code, and will evolve in the open as community collaboration. Reason already has contributors across several organizations/companies.
5. CSS Purge
CSS Purge is saving the web 1kb at a time. You may not know, but your CSS is getting out of control, it may even have a mind of its own. The specificity war is happening right now and you might not even know it. Is your file always getting bigger? Are you adding stuff to the end of the file? You are showing symptoms of CSSitis.
6. CertBot
Certbot is an easy-to-use automatic client that fetches and deploys SSL/TLS certificates for your webserver. Certbot was developed by EFF and others as a client for Let’s Encrypt and was previously known as “the official Let’s Encrypt client” or “the Let’s Encrypt Python client.” Certbot will also work with any other CAs that support the ACME protocol.
7. Mononoki
Mononoki is a font designed specifically for displaying code. Mononoki is available as an installable desktop font (.ttf) and web font (.eot, and.woff). It is a fresh alternative to classic monotypes like Monaco, Menlo and Courier.
8. Min
Min is a smarter, faster web browser. It includes features such as: Information from DuckDuckGo in the searchbar, Built-in ad and tracker blocking, Fuzzy search, Full-text search for bookmarks, Reading list, Tabs improvements (tabs open to the right, and fade out when inactive). Min lets you decide whether you want to see ads or not. And when you’re using a slow or expensive internet connection, it lets you block scripts and images, so pages load faster and use less data.
9. StringBean
StringBean is the featherweight responsive CSS Framework based on a 24-point system, rather than the traditional 12-point system that other frameworks use. Sometimes, 12 is just too few, especially on a high resolution screen, such as 4K – at 4K String Bean comes into its own! This gives the developer the power to divide the screen up in more finite segments providing you with greater control over the widths of content on your site, especially at higher resolutions (think HD & UHD (2K, 3K, 4K, and above).
10. Deco
Deco is an IDE to build a mobile app using the Facebook initiative React Native. t’s fast and there’s no manual setup needed. File scaffolding handles your boilerplate. Ready-made components drop right into your code. Properties are graphically editable through the property inspector. It’s an entirely new way to write, tweak, and re-use code.
11. IE8 Linter
Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) is an antique browser that does not support modern Web technologies like CSS3 Animations, Transforms, Transitions, and most HTML5 elements without a polyfill.
12. Coloor
Coloor is an HTML image preloading utility that adds data-coloor attributes containing a small base64 encoded version of your image to your tags. It quickly shows a small version of your image while the original is loading.
13. SQLectron
SQLectron is an SQL desktop client that lets you view and perform several SQL operations more conveniently. It supports MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server. SQLectron is available for OS X, Windows and Linux.
14. Urubu
Urubu is a micro CMS for static websites. It includes flexible content ordering, uses Markdown syntax, focuses on navigation, and more.
15. Horizon
Horizon is a realtime, open-source JavaScript backend. It lets you rapidly build and deploy web and mobile apps using a simple JavaScript API. The Horizon server packages a realtime database with convenient APIs and services that make it easy to use modern JavaScript frameworks like React, Angular, and React Native.
16. Vital
Vital is a minimally invasive CSS framework for modern web apps. It’s just 6KB gzipped, with no JavaScript and vast device support. Elements such as select boxes, checkboxes and radios render consistently across different platforms while gracefully degrading on legacy.
17. Wheatbin
Wheatbin is open source project management software that combines Kanban methodology with the Law of the Harvest. It’s self-hosted, easy to install, and has a mobile-first design.
18. Wait Animate
Wait! Animate makes it easy to insert a delay between each iteration of your animation. It even includes a configuration tool so you don’t have to code your own JavaScript.
19. Postmen
Postmen offers free shipping APIs for integrating courier services into your ecommerce site. Easily add multiple shipping carriers to online stores of any size. Postmen reduces time on integration with multiple carriers by consolidating all shipping APIs into one single API. Postmen simplifies API structure by consolidating objects, and unifying the API methods.
20. Phinx
Phinx makes it ridiculously easy to manage the database migrations for your PHP app. In less than 5 minutes you can install Phinx and create your first database migration. Phinx is just about migrations without all the bloat of a database ORM system or framework. It comes with Classes and Command Lines that allow you to run almost any database operation such as Writing, Downloading and Uploading.