JavaScript has not only resolved cross-browser compatibility issues but has made it easy to develop cross-platform websites, which increases the number of users.
JavaScript has made it easy to use touchscreen devices. With it, we can enable websites to respond to finger gestures such as tap, scroll and zoom.
With JavaScript libraries there are unlimited possibilities to create innovative and creative web applications, these libraries are lightweight and make web browsing fast without compromising the look of a website.
This article includes some of the best and fresh JavaScript Libraries for this month which you can use for your upcoming projects.
So, what are you waiting for, let’s explore them one by one.
1. Nanogallery 2
nanogallery2 is a JavaScript library to create beautiful and high-quality image galleries for your website. Besides simplifying your workflow, there’s one unique feature: you don’t need to generate the thumbnails of your photos. Thumbnails are automatically generated in any size for responsive design and optimized for best performance. It’s free to use for personal or open source projects.
2. QArt.js
QArt.js is a JavaScript library that merges pictures and QR codes for artistic QR codes. It can be used as React component, Angular.js directive and Vue.js directive.
3. Survey.js
survey.js is a JavaScript library to add a survey to your website. It uses JSON for survey metadata and results. Also it can be used with bootstrap. It’s just a Javascript library. That means you have the full control. You may get/set data or send them to the server at any moment. Modify survey on the fly and add new functionality.
4. Enquire.js
enquire.js is a lightweight, pure JavaScript library for programmatically responding to media queries. This library includes JavaScript callbacks for media queries matching and un-matching, clean and intuitive API and absolutely tiny. enquire.js allows you to harness media queries in JavaScript, giving you the tools to create advanced responsive sites.
5. Getlorem
getlorem is a library for generating passages of Lorem Ipsum text, suitable for use as placeholder text in documents. This library can also be used as a jQuery plugin.
6. Poly-Decomp.js
Poly-Decomp.js is a library for decomposing 2D polygons into convex regions.
7. iTyped
iTyped is a dead simple Javascript animated typing, with no dependencies. iTyped has a tiny size and easy to use.
8. ezPrint.js
ezPrintJS is a tiny JavaScript print page library which allows to make pretty-looking printable pages without the need of modification even single line of existing code in your CSS styles and HTML markup. You are free to precisely customize content your visitors will see on the paper.
9. Userpic JS
UserpicJS is a pure JavaScript plugin which creates a canvas-based avatar for users who don’t have any photo. You can set up user’s avatar as you want by changing of some parameters. It has no dependencies, no server-side required, easy customisation, small size, 4 built in text modes, and good documentation and examples.
10. Tile.js
A tiny requestAnimationFrame powered 60+fps lightweight parallax tilt effect for jQuery.
11. Multi.js
multi.js is a user-friendly replacement for select boxes with the multiple attribute. It is mobile-friendly, easy to use, and provides search functionality. multi.js is also easy to customize and style with CSS.
12. Imagine
Imagine is a parallax scroll and parallax animations framework with unlimited animation possibilities. Imagine animations can be used with any element in your page and comes with a perfected parallax background markup. Built with the use of jQuery, GSAP and Animus, the plugin is guaranteed to offer unmatched parallax scrolling experience.