Today, you have to do a lot to make your business cards stand out from the crowd.
It’s also crucial to your success to have a memorable card that will help you make more connections.
It won’t get lost in a stack of other cards when you give it to a possible connection.
When designing your unique business cards, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.
Check out these ten tips for creating an amazing business card.

Problem Solver words on business cards to spread the word on your consultant job or career
1. Keep it Simple
No matter what else you decide to do, you need to keep your business card simple. When there’s too much going on with the design, it’s hard for the recipient to get the information they need from it.
Be sure you’re only using a couple of main colors and that any vital information stands out. With a quick glance of your card, someone should be able to tell who you are and what you’re all about.
2. Use Correct Color Combinations
If you have brand colors, use them! This is a good way to make your brand memorable. If you don’t have brand colors, you can pick your own color scheme.
Here are a few colors to consider using:
1. Red. Bold and masculine, red is aggressive and eye-catching.
2. Blue. Invoking feelings of calm, this is great for promoting trust.
3. Yellow. Another eye-catching color, yellow also encourages optimism.
4. Green. The color of nature and money, it’ll make people think of growth.
Again, you’ll want to make sure that you’re not overdoing it with the color choices. Most of the time, you’ll want to pick one main color, one accent color, and then use black and white to complete the design.
3. Add a QR Code
QR codes are black and white squares. When scanned with a smartphone, they take users to a certain website. Adding one to your business card is the fastest way to let people know you’re not stuck in the past.
This allows you to send people to the most important page on your website, whether it’s your contact information, portfolio, or product info.
4. Include Images
“A picture is worth a thousand words.” This is true even when it comes to your business cards.
When appropriate, include an image. Your business card will stand out and it will be easy for people to know what your business is about.
5. Get Textured Cards
The more time a person spends with your business card, the more likely they are to remember it, and you. Linen textured cards is a great way to make your card unique and professional.
Learn more about linen business cards before deciding if it’s the right move for you. They can distort images and text, so you’ll need to make sure your design will work with this type of card.
6. Use Embossing
Embossing is another way you can stand out from the competition. Having raised words or shapes on your card is another way for people to spend extra time with your card.
Don’t get carried away with the embossing, though, as too much of a good thing can be bad. In most cases, you only want a couple of key parts of the card embossed, like your business name or parts of the logo.
7. Skip a Border
Having a border may look great on the screen, but it can end up being disastrous once printed.
Because business cards are so small, even small mistakes are obvious, which is unprofessional.
You don’t want to run the risk of having the border of your cards come out wrong because the printer got bumped, so it’s best to skip this altogether. Your cards will turn out much better this way.
8. Pick a Fun Font
Having a unique font on your business card will help it stand out from everyone else that’s using Times New Roman. You may even consider designing your own font if you want something that nobody else has.
Be sure that when picking a fun font, it’s still readable. If someone can’t read what your business card says, there’s no point in handing them out. Make sure your business card stands out for the right reasons.
9. Get a Thicker Paper
Being handed a flimsy business card implies that the work you do is cheap. If you don’t put effort into your business cards, why would someone want to do business with you?
While you don’t need the thickest possible paper for your business cards, you should make sure it’s something that expresses your level of professionalism and won’t fall apart in someone’s wallet
10. Have the Right Contact Info
This goes back to keeping it simple. Today, you don’t need to include a physical address, and doing so will only clutter up your card. Pick a couple of key pieces of information and keep it at that.
Most of the time, you’ll only need to include your business name, your name, your email address, your phone number, and your website.
Here’s a quick bonus tip for you!
Include the name you go by. That means if your name is Daniel but you go by Dan, put Dan on your business card. This is a great way to connect with someone and remind them that you’re human.
This saves you the trouble of having to ask people to call you by your nickname!
Want to Go Beyond Unique Business Cards?
Hopefully, you now have some ideas for how to create unique business cards for your business.
With these tips, you can take your business to the next level by making an impression on potential business partners and clients alike.
Once you’ve gotten your business cards taken care of, why stop there? If you’re ready to go beyond that and create a unique website for your business, then we’re here to help.
Contact us today to find out more about how we can help your business website get the attention it deserves.